Monday, November 16, 2020

Head First Or Heart First Individuals?

Why do we desire a harmony of Head First and Heart First Individuals in a high-performance team?

Are you a Head First - Rationally Driven, or Heart First - Emotionally driven Individuals?

How about the same percentage on the team? How effectively these distributions are in place?

Both have their strengths, both have their challenges.

A Head First team member can think more logically and in a circumstance when Emotion takes over those head first individuals can support the emotionally loaded Individual to aid them through logically thinking.
“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I would spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes about the solution,” Einstein once said.

Heart First Individuals, however, are more prone to produce instant decisions based on their intuition and feel happier with that call in the long run. The Heart First individuals expressed themselves as ‘distressed’ and ‘nervous’ when encountered with frequent stress. To “have a heart” indicates higher degrees of caring and empathy.
"One day we will learn that the heart can never be totally right if the head is totally wrong. Only through the bringing together of head and heart-intelligence and goodness-shall man rise to a fulfillment of his true nature." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

“People who said their ‘self’ was located in their heart (about half the respondents) were more likely to be female, and ‘heart-locators’ of either sex were more likely to rely on their emotions when making hypothetical moral decisions, such as how to respond to a sadistic prison guard who says he will kill your son and another prisoner unless you kill your own son,” explains Dr. Christian Jarrett of the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest.

Head First Individuals placed higher importance on autonomy, and Heart First Individuals valued belonging to social groups.

The Head First Individuals can plunge into analysis paralysis, where they keep weighing facts and collecting ever more intelligence in an endeavor to generate the perfect decision, leading to confusion, anxiety, indecisiveness, and self-criticism, which in turn can impact productivity and performance.

The Heart First Individuals are more creative as they are associated with emotions. They can relate smoothly with others through emotions. Sometimes when emotions are heavily laden, these individuals are slow down by the emotions. That time Head First individuals can protect them!

How to stabilize the same in the team?

I have examined some teams that are frequently dominated by the substantial with heart Individuals and frequently few Head First Individuals will influence the team with their rational analyzing capabilities.

As a whole team, let us watch out and practice to reach an intermediate ground.

If we as a team majority are Head First individual, practice for a week just listening to our Heart first team members; slowing down and asking ourselves how we feel several times a day and then choosing the risk of acting on those feelings. If we are higher of a heart First Individuals, work out for a week tackling that assignment that we don’t feel like working out to build up our willpower and discipline. Show empathy but deliberately set boundaries on how much we can/will support someone who’s battling.

Most of the time before the PI planning, you might have observed which backlog items will go into the PI, though it is logical and rational. But sometimes, these decision making also is driven by intuition, emotions and based on empathy.
" My heart says one thing. My head says another. Very hard to get your heart and head together in life." - Woody Allen

Watch out for such instances and coach the team to balance these traits.

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