Sunday, April 26, 2020

Leadership Development Process

For a long time, I have been working with squads, who are assuring that all of our leaders are welcoming the new Leadership style which is absolutely essential in today’s dynamic business.

“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.” – Vince Lombardi

This can not be one particular leadership style to continue in today’s disruptive environment.

It has to be the consolidation of many best styles testified to by many leaders in various circumstances.

After evaluating several years we recognized that to simplify the leadership process, it has to concentrate on 3 significant areas.

1. Leading SELF:
Leadership development is self-development - John G Agno

“You don’t lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case.” – Ken Kesey

All the leaders have to be deliberately concentrating on building up their SELF. Whatever it is, whatever state the self is in. The Self is the fundamental driver or foundation for any leader development in the digital era.

Self-development is an incredibly massive area like the ocean and takes a lifetime to polish and mature. Things are in the constantly changing condition, the same way individuals are adapting rapidly to endure with new circumstances.

It is a life-long striving.

We observe the individuals who have an exceedingly robust self, they could able to steer through many complex circumstances. 

As a coach, we require to constantly polish our SELF and recognize what it chooses to advance anyone’s SELF . and enable others to expand their SELF

2. Leading OTHERS:
Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. Jack Welch

Another vital area that we have witnessed is the competence to LEAD OTHERS. 

This is again another vast knowledge area like an ocean and will take a lifetime to master this area.

This is an art and leading others takes many years of performance to master this art.

Whenever your SELF is polished, it would be natural to connect with others. Others should get benefits because of your sophisticated SELF. 

Once you give your best to others, others will follow you.

The moment you build more leaders like you, you will have many followers and you develop into a legitimate leader.

Another vital area we realized that to strengthen Self and leading others, we require many varied tools and skills.

These are enablers for any leaders to strengthen their SELF and leading OTHERS skills

Every individual is unique, what works for one individual may not perform for others. So every individual should search for their own tools and polish their skills.

Let us glance into the metaphor of the tree to understand the Leadership development process. It looks extremely simple but takes a lifetime to be like this.

Let us take any big giant tree. What creates such a giant tree to stand for long years with all types of extreme weather. We admire such trees wherever we discover them near our places. Close your eyes and visualize such a tree you have visited recently.

They are deep-rooted. It took several years to travel inside several kilometres bottom of the earth for the search of nutrition, minerals for such a giant tree. They suck those nutrients and transport them back to the upper part of the tree. Leading SELF is like this analogy(Bottom part of the tree). Leaders who are impressive, they have extremely deep-rooted SELF, they recognize who they are? Why they are here in this system? they are stable and strong mentally. Their self is well developed and took many years of deliberate reflection process and action to advance their SELF like an oak tree, big banyan tree, etc.

The upper part of the tree is for others. All types of trees help mother earth and individuals in some of the other ways, by producing fruit, air, shade, shelters, etc.

Leading others is like helping all the individuals with whatever strengths you have, and through that that you are some way enabling others. Your strength is helping who are weak and they are building up from your strength. They will come to you more because you support them, comfort them.

To develop into a great tree, trees use air, water, mineral, wind pressure, cyclone all these are tools and skills for the tree. Those make a vigorous tree or a powerful leader.

Let us use one more analogy to explain our leadership framework, what we are proposing. 

Look at the suspension bridge, why suspension bridge is one of the finest civil engineering marvels?

A suspension bridge (more precisely, suspended-deck suspension bridge) is a type of bridge in which the deck (the load-bearing portion) is hung below suspension cables on vertical suspenders. The first modern examples of this type of bridge were built in the early 1800s.

This type of bridge has cables suspended between towers, with vertical suspender cables that transfer the live and dead loads of the deck below, upon which traffic crosses.

The main forces in a suspension bridge of any type are tension in the cables and compression in the pillars. Since almost all the force on the pillars is vertically downwards, and the bridge is also stabilized by the main cables.

Let us imagine, we choose to grow into an excellent leadership position, from a Technical lead position to become a Senior Vice president position.

It a lengthy journey, like a bridge. Taking individual from point A to Point B.

For our leadership development bridge, your SELF is the fundamental pillars of this bridge. the stronger your SELF is established, it would be comfortable for you to reach your destination without any disappointment, You will grow into a more stable bridge with better endurance. The self is a pressing force in the suspension bridge. The SELF is the main 2 pillars of the suspension bridge.

Your cables are how comfortable for you to influence others. It stretches all of your skills to influence others, pursue others, inspire others, etc. It is a pulling force. 

When both these force works effectively, the Leadership bridge will function flawlessly and people can reach the destination without any issue. Even in harsh weather, the bridge assures that nothing will happen to the commuters on the bridge.

As both, the forces are perfectly working smoothly.

It takes hell lot of tools and skills to build such a bridge and many years of endeavor to obtain the result. 

To strengthen ourselves as a better leader, to develop into an outstanding leader, we have to work on our SELF and the capability to lead OTHERS also requires to strengthen. We can develop into an enormous banyan tree or oak or Golden gate bridge, Brooklyn bridge....…

“Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential.” – Warren Bennis

“Leadership is not magnetic personality, that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not “making friends and influencing people”, that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.” — Peter F. Drucker

What do you think?
I have started developing mine like below
How can I keep Track of my progress?

Let us retrospect where we are in all these 3 pyramids.

Level 1 is Novice and Level 5 is Master

How appropriate are you at your “Leading Self” Pyramid ?

Please rank the 1-5 scale, 5 being the highest. Please give it a thought while rating yourself. It is you who require to upgrade the present state.

1. I have my Purpose clearly defined, and I am constantly examining my Purpose? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

2. I am driven by my Value and belief. I can rate my value-driven progress at? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

3. I am Passionate to attain my purpose and thoroughly working on it? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

4. How far am I to reach at the Self Actualization state? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

5. I am constantly monitoring my Emotional Intelligence status and I can rate my EQ state is at? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

6. I am Self-driven and I know how to re-energize myself. I can rate my Motivation state is at? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

7. I am always Optimist and learn from my Setback. I can rate my Positivity state is at? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

8. I invariably seek for New Ways of working. I can rate my Growth mindset state is at? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

9. I am always Curious and ask powerful questions to discover the unknown. I can rate my competence to discover the unique thing is at? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

10. I am learning anything very rapidly with Deliberate practice. I can rate my learning ability at? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

11. I continually monitor my Self-state and refine, I invariably look into my Ego and cultivate, I look into my mental Bias and review. I can rate my mental inspection frequently exercise at? Rate 1-5 scale, 5 is the Highest.

Leading Self, the rate is = 55/55 = 100%, You are at Level 5 in Leading Self Pyramid Hierarchy!

How good are you at your “Leading Others” Pyramid?

Please rank the 1-5 scale, 5 being the highest. Please give it a thought while rating yourself. It is you who require to upgrade the current state.

1. I am Empathetic to my companions. I am continuously developing my empathetic skill, I can rate myself at 1-5 scale at?

2. I ensure I Trust my companions, I am credible and Trustable, I am continually working on these skills, I can rate myself at 1-5 scale at?

3. I Engage my companions, I energize, empower, and encourage my team members, I can rate myself at 1-5 scale at?

4. I Coach my companions, I am constantly refining my coaching skills, I can rate myself at 1-5 scale at?

5. I am cognizant of Social skill, behavior science, I am working on this to build up my social intelligence, I can rate myself at 1-5 scale at?

6. I am great a Collaborator, I am the chief catalyst for a collaborator, I can rate myself in 1-5 scale at?

7. I am excellent at Change management, I am a change agent, I work on this topic to strengthen myself, I can rate myself in 1-5 scale at?

8. I ensure I create Psychological Safe heaven at the organization, I welcome feedback and take action to enhance my competency, I can rate myself in 1-5 scale at?

9. I strive for winning the heart and mind of my companions, I can rate myself in 1-5 scale at?

10. I am a storyteller and I facilitate, influence better my companions though this approach, I can rate myself in 1-5 scale at?

Leading Others, the rate is = 50/50 = 100%, You are at Level 5 in Leading Others Pyramid Hierarchy!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

How to Nurture Hope?

In 1965 Martin Seligman “discovered” learned helplessness. He noticed that when animals are subjected to painful positions they cannot control, they stop trying to escape. They become passive. Seligman attributed this helpless behavior as something that was learned after repeated failure.

Learned helplessness is a form of conditioning. Conditioning is based on the idea that human behavior is learned via associations and responses in the environment.

Unlearning this association and deconditioning the response takes just a little bit of practice.

So what do we do to improve the Hope situation? Unlearning this association and deconditioning? Leaders enhanced Hope in follower's minds. So as a leader what they do to improve people’s mind.

What is hope?

“a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen” - Oxford Dictionary

“the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life” - Wikipedia
I dwell in possibility. Emily Dickinson

When we develop hope, then self-confidence and self-belief that matters will probably work out in our favor.

Creating hope takes hard work. All the team members need work on HOPE to make it better.

Hope is directly related to our sense of possibility. The greater our perception of possibilities, the greater our hope.
A leader is a dealer in hope. Napoleon Bonaparte.

There are many approaches to discover hope. We may have our own plan.

People who successfully cultivate hope in their lives don’t become helpless by seemingly insurmountable obstacles. They get involved. They look at the stable thing that they can, in the place where they are, with the tools and the people around them. They contribute and impact positively in people's life.
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller

People who successfully cultivate hope surround themselves with the individuals who are doing an outstanding task; It inspires individuals to be learned from others and better prepare for the future.
There is a saying in Tibetan, “Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength”. No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that’s our real disaster. Dalai Lama.

People who successfully cultivate hope read inspirational books that can stimulate their thoughts and their devotion to go on to do more.
Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows. Helen Keller.

People who successfully cultivate hope take a break and spend time with nature. This exercise has to be performed frequently, it will revitalize individuals.

Believe in something remarkable: Be it spiritual or some miraculous power, which will support us when we are in trouble.

Doing mindful exercise. Mindful exercise will make us refresh, reduce stress, and promote hope situations.

Find our core competency and strength; which is unique to us and at ease, we can do it. When we play with our confidence, we are more hopeful to achieve the result and learn something new additional in a process.
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Desmond Tutu

Maintain good health, when we have excellent health, we will be vigorous and can perform many things as our mind will also be with full of our support
Every cloud has a silver lining. John Milson

When we are hopeful we are curious to explore more and seek an opportunity to identify more. Hopeful people cultivate a curious mindset.
Hope itself is like a star – not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Hopeful people stretch their comfort zone and grabbed the opportunity to support others. In a process, they learn many things.

Learn from the individuals who are passing through a similar situation. We learn max form others and be ready for future challenges.Hopeful people build relationship with similar minded people and learn from them.
However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. Where there’s life, there’s hope. Stephen Hawking

Asking a better question to clarify doubts and ambiguity of your life. Hopeful people ask and discover so that they are more confident.

Set a bigger purpose and work for it to achieve it. Hopeful people set a better goal and achieve those by taking action.

Collaborate with others, create a team for the journey, when we are alone, we occasionally suffer more, when we are accompanying an understanding companion, Hope will improve.
Hope is the ocean for the river, the sun for trees, and the sky for us. Maxime Lagacé

There are many more but all these steps will strengthen our HOPE.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Winning the heart and mind of the team members?

Every leader wishes to identify this secret and want to gain from this. 

Every leader tries there best to obtain it.

I also have worked with a few such leaders, and when I glance back, I can learn from them.

It 2003, we were joined fresh in the software company. We were in a startup company. We were thrilled that after several years of struggle we could get into the software development job! An outstanding accomplishment for us! None of our core competence was computer science, but we acquire all the applicable knowledge by performing many means!

But after joining, at the same time, we were depressed that we do not have any project. Projects were stopped coming owing to slow down. We were VB6 developers, awaiting for the assignment. Our leaders were earnestly seeking for an assignment.

We were 10 new joiners, some were developers and few are test engineers. Our leaders were few senior individuals. Very respectable people managers. Always caring and supporting us. Assuring us, encouraging us and engaging us by offering us various tasks to understand and hone our skills.

One day one assignment came, it was a C++ project. Very big program but granted to pilot with one module. We recognized that we do not have the competence to solve that immense problem. Leaders were encouraged us to engage with this project. We received a team leader from a different program and a few senior developers as a mentor for our program.

We had a routine schedule call about the program and exploring to solve the problem offered to us by the client to demonstrate that if we have the appropriate framework of thought and competency to solve that problem available with us or not.

We were working 10-15 hrs at that time, to figure out and crack that problem, we were also giving different Brainbench exams and C++ test to strengthen our knowledge.

All the 10 team members were giving 70-80 hrs in a week.

The leaders were invariably with us, accompanying us, mentoring us and with our learning journey. We never felt that we were working so hard! We were part of the whole gang where we are working out a complex problem in our life!

6 months we struggled to build the prototype system.

We lost the project!! Leaders were contending to grant us something to the client. We received an agreement. Few of our team members were allowed to travel to the customer place and work with customer teams to build the system.

And 60% of our team members will do the Unit and system testing for that solution. In rotation, after 6 months, a couple of us will accompany the team on-site for development. 

3 years we have worked for that large system development in C++ and embedded OS, once that team was 40 individuals. In one of the dominant profit-making entities at that time for our startup company wing!

We all were giving 120%, all the time, without objection. The leader was smiling and constantly inspiring all of us. We were functioning as a team like glue.

We did not have any issues working for that program.

When I look back what was the bonding the leaders have established among the team members?

Leaders have established a compelling vision for all of us. If we do not have that project, we as an individual, as a department, will lose everything.

We stretch ourselves for knowledge to know C++, to know the domain, to know software architecture, etc to establish a complete system.

We formed an appropriate team to by collaborating among ourselves, to take care of ourselves by sharing and caring for each other.

We all had to go on-site, learn from all the strong software experts to develop a complex software system.

The leader was sharing how team members were growing, getting acknowledgment from clients, expanding our project, who is traveling for the next assignment, complete transparent communication, and trusting environment.

All the leaders were excellent listeners and mentoring all of us about how to overcome conflict, challenges.

Our mentors were remarkable, as they were gaining and teaching us, and we used to share our challenges with them and was receiving guidance.

Our leaders empathized with all of us, and we also strengthen that empathy culture.

Our leaders used to travel to the client place every 6 months and share the uplifting story and support us to strengthen ourselves, They choose to establish people will travel, come back and share stories about new challenges and share success among all of us. Over a period of time, we all have developed into an excellent storyteller. 

We all had a shared purpose and all of us were passionate to accomplish the same.

All credit goes to those leaders, they win our hearts and mind, we never understood that!!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Leaders, have you built a resilient organization culture?

Resilience is described as,” the strength to overcome rapidly from troubles; toughness. And the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.”

Resilience in the organization world means an organization will endure and may even thrive when difficult situations happen.

Organizations that are full of a toxic environment and loaded with political climate quickly collapse in the crisis situation. The ecosystem is loaded with inefficient processes, incompetent people and corrupt culture.

It will be tested at the crisis time. Those companies will deteriorate substantially, anyway.

At the time of crises, all organization has to be resilience due to external circumstance.

In most of the organization, leadership sets the strength of the resilient culture.

In resilient culture employees do not look at themselves as victims of circumstances outside of their control, but rather as empowered individuals capable of going with the waves of whatever life hits them with.

Resilient organizations last long and navigate change better than anybody else.

The first and most fundamental foundation of the resilient organization of tomorrow is considering a compelling vision. Leaders assure all the team members are driven by the vision. All team members are building up their own individual vision, with that they associate with the organization’s significant vision.

Resilient people make resilient cultures. From leadership to all the team members, they recognize what resilience mindset is all about; they ensure they spread this mindset.

Leaders continue to build resilient teams and team members.

They find waste into the system and rapidly eliminate this waste by taking aggressive actions promptly.

Leaders constantly work to minimize layers so that team can instantly and rapidly build up the product and solutions.

Leaders are continually monitoring the acceleration of delivery and customer satisfaction.

Leaders help the teams to get rid of all the hurdles on the way of smooth execution.

Leaders ensure all the team members have collaborated frequently and the silos wall has been collapsed immediately.

Leaders ensure all the employees are exhibiting new skill development and their attitude is to quickly learn and develop solutions with the demonstration of knowledge in their delivery

Leaders recognized all the employees for share and care culture and each team member mentors each other.

The leader builds a continuous improvement in a community. At the time of crises, those relentless improvement drive supports the organizations to be prosperous.

To build resilience, culture leaders ensure transparent decision-making and candid discussions across all the departments. They use tools and technology to immediately connect with all the team members, and display the progress to all members.

To build resilience culture leaders are a future thinker, they glance at the horizon for what is upcoming, discuss with the team members and debate for implementation. They are not inhibited by the roadblocks. With the help of high-performance team members, they explore to eliminate the unknown and discover the unique world.

Leaders of resilience culture constantly associated with the end-users, they receive their feedback and see through to close those. They empathize with the individuals and listen to their concerns and demands.

Leaders ensure positivity spread in his/her team members. A leader’s belief is contagious which to contribute bigger and stronger and in a process, we all should expand. Optimistic leaders know they will be successful in the end, It becomes a part of a resilience culture.

Leaders are tenacious and persist to accomplish their goals. In the case of a crisis, they focused more effort to come through with success. They walk the talk and develop into a role model for others. When individuals work with such leaders, they reproduce these traits and spread. It grows into a part of a resilience culture.

In Resilience culture team members are closely connected, they are in the solid network, leaders establish the bonding and well-established relation with better communication. They communicate, communicate and communicate, they speak out of their mind. There is no hidden agenda.

In Resilience culture, leaders trust their team members, Leaders acknowledge and thankful for their team member’s contribution. They acknowledge the work done by the team members, this positive culture promotes the team members to contribute more and stretch for it if called for.

In resilience culture, team members know what are the team shared vision and purpose for their performance, The leader reinforce these shared visions and purpose. Leaders check if we are altering the working agreement owing to current development.

A community of like-minded team members: Team members ensure, in resilience culture, all the team members establish a network of people, who can support each other all the time. They establish that we all can aid and learn from each other.

Innovation: Leaders encourage the experiment and reinforce a fail-fast mindset, Leaders engage in innovation events and honor the top 10 best product and solutions ideas that go into production. They follow through maximum ideas to go into the delivery.

“Resilience isn’t a single skill. It’s a variety of skills and coping mechanisms. To bounce back from bumps in the road as well as failures, you should focus on emphasizing the positive.” – Jean Chatzky

It takes a lot of effort from leaders to create such a resilient culture.

Friday, April 17, 2020

How Leaders energize and empower people?

As a leader to accomplish success, we need to ensure energize and empower our team members. It is the desire of the moment. 

Research indicates that employees have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company. - Zig Ziglar

Great leaders inspire action with their words.

“When people know why you do what you do, they are willing to give you credit for everything that could serve as proof of why.” – Simon Sinek

Leaders have to know further about their team members. They inquire what inspires their team. Is it the mission? The intimacy and teamwork? Personal ambition? Leaders discover and jointly with the team members create a common shared goal.

Great leaders are continually find approaches to honor their team members and celebrate their individual and shared successes.

Leaders know how to acknowledge people’s contributions. They reward their team members as an when they encounter small opportunities.

Leaders are curious about their people, their intention is to help the team members. To energize their people, listen with curiosity, speak with honesty and act with integrity.

Leaders understand the people’s value, they respect each individual. They understand the strength and weaknesses of their team members. They work by aligning with their team members and organization big picture.

Leaders are always grateful for their team member’s contributions. They thank frequently about team member’s commitment and acknowledge the challenges team members are facing and support to overcome those.

“Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.” - Stephen R. Covey

Leaders who are high in emotional intelligence are in a good position to energizer the team members, They understand the people’s mindset better and influence people attitude positively.

Leaders who can easily energize employee look at the positive side of employees activities

Leaders support team members and mentor team all the time. Leaders ensure they guide team members to strengthen their skills and competency. Leaders create more leaders.

They inspire the team member’s positively to obtain a bigger vision. 

I have always believed that the way you treat your employees is the way they will treat your customers, and that people flourish when they are praised. - Sir Richard Branson

Leaders ensuring their team member’s skills and competency are strengthened and regularly leaders assess their growth progress. They send team members on various training and skill development programs. They ensure on the job team members exercise those skills and multiply.

Leaders give feedback to all the employees about their performance. Leaders ensure that that feedback is taken positively and employees prepared to perform on those feedback for advancement.

Leaders ensure team members exercise their creative skill and there is a culture of experimenting and gain from failure.

"There is little success where there is little laughter." - Andrew Carnegie

Leaders do not treat the employee as a child but as a partner. Leaders work with the team members for a shared goal and common purpose.

Positivity at the workplace: Leaders eliminate toxic environment from the office. They ensure positivity is available at office culture. Decisions taken are transparent and there is trust among team members.

Accessible: Leaders ensure that they are accessible to the team members as an when required, that is the best support leaders can produce. Whenever there is a conflict or any crisis situation if employees are able to obtain support from the leaders, it establishes a constructive impact on their attitude.

The leader asks powerful questions to identify expectations from the team members. Leaders connect with the team members to figure out what are the strength and weaknesses of their team members, what they choose to accomplish, what are their vision, based on the input leader chalk out the career advancement plan.

“The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity.” – Tom Peters

Leaders Provide autonomy to their team members. Once team members have the freedom, they will be more empowered to make their own decision and ownership level intensified.

Leaders communicate precisely and clarify what they expect out from the employee. Leaders set distinct expectations and track through and support wherever requested.

Leaders constantly give feedback for advancement, appreciate whenever the task has been accomplished successfully. 

Trust your employee, once you as leaders trust employees, they trust culture will establish. Leaders have to walk the talk and these will spread. 

By letting your employees grow, your company will also grow exponentially. - Mark Samraj

Empathize with team members, it goes a long way when we understand the challenge each team members are experiencing. Empathy leads to empowerment. So leaders exercise empathy to realize their team member's challenges.

Let employees take a vacation and ensure work-life balance is maintained. That is what great leaders expect. Once as a leader you encouraging these team members to revitalize themselves, they will come with sufficient energy and they will be prepared to contribute better. 

“Take time to appreciate employees and they will reciprocate in a thousand ways.” - Lee Lacocca

As a leader try these steps and see the result you gain. It needs a lot of preparation and practice.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Scrum Master Guidebook - E-book @ 74% , 45 INR!!!!

Imagining the elegance of nature in mind and its benefits?

Imagery is a process of applying our imagination, and it has myriad potential benefits. 

Why not apply this technique for our excellence, when it is proven? How can we take advantage of this process for our own mental boost? 

When we imagine a positive mental image, it heightens our emotional well-being. 

The technique uses words and images to help move your attention away from the worry, stress, and pain to serve us and find our own inner strength and creativity. More and More positive words and Positive image the better it affect will be. 

The more negative thoughts come, the higher we will feel an emotional disruption. 

There is an Association between mental imagery and emotional and cognitive processes in emotional disorders. 

Mental imagery can enhance engagement in planned behaviors, potentially due to its unique role in representing emotionally salient experiences. 

Mental imagery allows us to “pre-experience” forthcoming activities and thereby to prepare for their potential to be pleasant and rewarding. 

This exercise is extremely valuable for anyone. 

For example, a participant presented with a picture of a rain cloud in combination with the word “refreshing” may imagine the pleasant feeling of cool rain on a hot day. 

The word we use with the picture plays a pivotal role to influence our minds. More positive and optimistic words with optimistic photos, the better feeling participants will experience. The reverse is also true! 

Imagery can be employed to improve qualities in ourselves we would like to have — it’s like emotional body-building — and applying a technique called “Evocative Imagery” we can encourage courage, perseverance, patience, wit, concentration, self-confidence or any new quality we would like to establish. 

We can apply it to improve relaxation, which can reduce blood pressure and diminish other problems related to stress. 

Imagination is an extremely powerful tool when we think about lying down on the beach in Goa, our body behaves as if we are indeed lying down on the beach in Goa. 

This scene maybe something in the natural world like a beautiful coffee estate in Coonoor with dazzling and cool water at the bottom or a quiet and dense forest where we may choose a gentle walk in our imagination. 

It will help us to think clearer, and clear our mind of cluttering thoughts, that congest the mind. 

Improves our visualization skills, which will benefit to enhance right-brain thinking. 

For example, in any significant event like large room planning, I employ this technique; I consider it for the end. What will be the outcome? I Use all the sense about the room, individuals, conversations and experience things are already taking place and it moving remarkably well, individuals are engaged in their discussion, presenting the outcome and voting for the magnificent result. I hear the clapping from all the individuals after successfully accomplishing the events. 

Let us all employ a delightful moment from our life, picture, places we have visited and restate those wonderful memories in our mind. when we are down, let us use appropriate visual images, rain sounds, jungle walk and use positive words.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Work out for the stronger mind: Self-coaching for Leaders.

Some of the features which can aid us to grow into a better self and lead ourselves to grow into a stronger leader.

We can analyze this on a periodic basis, how we are working out on these prospects?

I am confident we develop into a great human being when we adhere to through all these positive features.

How are we preparing to review our mental strength?
  • Building mental strength is essential to continuing your finest life.
  • Evaluate Your Core Beliefs. Sometimes core beliefs are incorrect and ineffective.
  • Focus on Positive features more, which you can manage, elements which are higher negative and we cannot control they waste our energy.
  • An optimistic attitude strengthens mental strength.
  • Note down everyday activities and reviews. 
  • Set significant ambitions and ensure you work through to accomplish those. Step out from your comfort zone.
  • Let us develop physical strength as mental strength is associated with physical strength.
  • Set up a compelling purpose. 

How am I doing to strengthen my creativity skills?

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious. – Albert Einstein
  • Let us Ask more awesome questions. Am I doing?
  • Let us ask dumb questions. Am I doing?
  • What are the unique things I have Explored in my Environment?
  • Am I pursuing my hobby?
  • Diversified my interest?

How to strengthen my self-compassion?
  • Let me treat myself as a young baby who will come to parents when they get hurt. Treat with care and affection.
  • Acknowledge that you are not the only one who is facing this.
  • Acknowledge that you are not perfect and you will invariably progress on every occasion.
  • Mindful about your self
  • Forgive yourself, let it go.
  • Welcome rather than escape challenges.
  • Collect your blessing. 

How to be more generous?
  • Giving—to others, to the nature, to oneself—is profoundly in our nature as Human beings.
  • Donate For Free.
  • Support Your Friends’
  • Give A Stranger A Genuine Compliment.
  • Donate Unused Items.
  • Give A Random Gift.
  • Be generous with your possessions.
  • Be lavish with acknowledgments.

How am I managing my willpower?
  • Utilize your imagination for a better future and be confident
  • Build good habit: e.g reading a book which and promote your mind power
  • Take baby steps for change
  • Set goals which are specific measurable, actionable 
  • Self-aware and maintain a notebook 
  • Eat the frog early in the morning. Do the tough task first.
  • Sleep well 7-8 hrs
  • Be disciplined 
  • Get along with like-minded people who have an identical goal and inspire you
  • Meditate 10-15 mins 
  • Reward self on milestone 
  • Say “No” freely, and Do not say “Yes” easily

How is my Humility skill?
  • Ask for feedback 
  • Listen 
  • accept failure 
  • Be human and accept self 
  • stay grounded 
  • Be confident that you will able to overcome challenges
  • Saying “thank you” regularly 
  • Do not blame 
  • ask for help from others
  • Do not compare with others

If we unchecked all these skills and not oiling and not maintaining accurately, these will turn rusted. We can not be the best human being. 

In the dearth of all these skills refined we can not turn into role model individuals that society is calling for from us.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Be a Chief Catalyst for collaboration? How to?

Collaborative leaders, according to Harvard Business Review, continually seek out a diversity of opinions and ideas among teammates to build strategies and solve problems.

As a result, employees are better engaged, feel trusted, and are more likely to take ownership of their work.

Collaborative leadership, we mean the process of engaging collective intelligence to deliver results across organizational boundaries when conventional techniques of control are nonexistent.

Collaboration is no longer a “nice to do” idea. It is a leadership prerequisite required to gain results and advance in any organization. There are skills any leader can hone to develop into more effective in the organization.

What is expected from a collaborative leader?
“It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”— Napoleon Hill

All these steps can support a leader to grow into more collaborative and assure progress in his/her endeavor.
  • An obvious, compelling purpose for the transformation. As. a leader, are you doing this?
  • Adopting open communication styles throughout an organization is fundamental to collaboration. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • How can we develop a win-win proposition as a team and build a shared purpose? As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Acknowledging that everybody’s experience will be different and allow everyone to contribute to and accept each other’s views. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Invest time for collaboration, it takes time to identify the unknown, be patient and keep discovering the unknown with your team. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Leaders to let their guard down a little and extend a little bit of vulnerability. Acknowledge that their ideas may not be the finest ones. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Successful collaboration involves a cooperative spirit and mutual respect. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Give credit to all the team members when it is deserved. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Identify team impediments and fix those hurdles with the support of team members. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Demonstrate mature emotion regulation in front of all the team members. As a leader are you doing this?
  • Check with your various bias, and incorporate diversity in your teamwork. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Be an efficient facilitator and facilitate various collaborative conversations. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Build a working agreement with many parties and ensure team members follow those. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Enable your team members to associate with many teams and team members. Join them or attach them as a bridge. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Ensure that you continue to build a relationship with other departments and teams, covering your team. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Trust is the glue that holds an interactive team collectively. A collaborative leader seeks to build their team members’ trust in themselves and each other. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Look for silos and smash those silos, it will enable the flow of communication across numerous departments. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Help the team to diminish conflict. Good conflict resolution skills, such as empathy, negotiation, and settlement enable teams to minimize team conflicts. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Build transparency in all your transactions. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • A belief that collective intelligence is the strongest. A collaborative leader recognizes that the finest ideas and solutions come from an array of sources.
  • Walk the talk and inspire others by demonstrating actions, and develop into a role model for others. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Build a community of individuals who learns for each other by sharing many things, including challenges. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Develop a mindset that can strengthen your innovation skills and provide fresh ideas. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Be empathetic and have an enthusiasm to listen to ideas from anybody. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Possess emotional intelligence and have a profound understanding of the emotions and motivations of their members. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Leaders understand under complex domain things emerge, so they can work steadily to reduce ambiguities. As a leader, are you doing this?
  • Forbes recently published an article titled “If you want your team to collaborate, self-awareness is a game-changer.”

Know yourself !! To become a collaborative leader, look at the mirror and strengthen the requires skills.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Are you Learning Faster & Better?

How can we learn quicker and better? Life is short, but we have to learn an extensive material.

If there is any Model if we adopt which can instruct us to remember better will be invaluable for our career advancement.

What do you say?

Experiential learning theorists, such as Kolb, admit we can learn better from our experiences when we spend a moment thinking about them. 

These concepts are expanded to leadership in the action–observation–reflection (A-O-R) model, which explains that leadership development is heightened when the experience involves three distinct processes: action, observation, and reflection. 

If an individual act but does not observe the consequences of her actions or reflect on their relevance and meaning, then it represents limited understanding to claim he/she has gained from experience. 

Because some individuals neither observe the consequences of their actions nor reflect on how they could alter their actions to develop into stronger leaders, leadership development through experience may be better understood as the improvement emanating from repeated operations through all three phases(A-O-R) rather than simply in terms of some objective dimension like time.

The same pertains to any learning activities. 
I hear, and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do,, and I understand.
Confucius, ca. 500 b.c.

The aphorism by Confucius, even though relatively dated, captures what is still widely believed in how to best learn and memorize novel actions and activities: “Learning by doing” emerges superior to “learning by seeing or hearing” 

Growth from the A-O-R Model particularly occurs when one observes their actions and reflects on the consequences of those actions (Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy, 2012, p.47).

Action: What did you do?

Capture your experience.
Observation: What happened (i.e., results, impact on others, etc.)?

Capture your experience.
Reflection: How do you consider it now? How do you perceive it? What would you work out differently next time when you are encountered with an identical situation?

Capture your experience.

The best way we can learn deeper from our daily experience is to note down everything. While taking notes by hand is slower and more cumbersome than typing the act of writing out the information fosters comprehension and retention.

The better our notes are, the faster we will learn. Knowing how to take thorough and accurate notes will help us to remember concepts, gain a deeper understanding of the topic and develop meaningful learning skills.

Let us maintain Logs and journals which is a tool for our learning and reflection.
“I never pay attention to anything by ‘experts.’ I calculate everything myself.”- Richard Feynman.

Reflecting on work intensifies its understanding. It encourages learners to take charge of their own learning. Reflecting on experiences promotes understanding and complex learning. We foster our own growth when we control our learning, so some reflection is best done alone. Reflection is also enhanced, however, when we ponder our learning with others.

Reflective learning is an approach of allowing learners to step back from their learning experience, helping them to develop critical thinking skills and improve on future performance by analyzing what they have learned and how far they have come.

The law is, if we don’t instantaneously pick up the experience of what was understood, we will unfortunately speedily forget it. Here is some information around learners retention:
People forget 40% of what they understood in 20 minutes and 77% of what they understood in six days.
People forget 90% after one month.
People forget 50-80% of what they’ve understood after one day and 97-98% after a month.

A defining condition of being human is that we have to understand the meaning of our experience. —Jack Mezirow

Interviews are another way to lead us to share reflections about our learning and our growth in the Habits of Mind. An individual can interview another individual, or colleagues.

For the last 10 years, I have been composing in numerous blogs and capturing my thoughts and understanding so that I can reuse them and perhaps others also can benefit from it. It has supported me tremendously, and I confess the above-mentioned process will benefit everybody to grow into a stronger human being.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Learning from Seneca?

Stoicism is the ancient Greek philosophy that explains the usefulness of self-control and mental strength in handling with life’s ambiguities and challenges.

Perhaps the most remarkable among the Stoic philosophers is Seneca the Younger (4BC–AD65). 

Seneca embodied (and was thoroughly conscious of) the chaotic complexities that make up our human nature.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca, identified commonly as Seneca, was a stoic philosopher and rhetorician. He’s one of the first stoics for which there are significant literary remains for us to investigate.

Seneca was a well-established Roman writer and educator, who, upon returning to Rome after a decade of being exiled, became the tutor for the young Nero, who would go on to become one of history’s most notorious leaders. (He would finally order Seneca to choose his own life, considering that he was part of a conspiracy to kill him.)

One of my favorite books is Seneca, Letters from a Stoic, I have recommended many of my colleagues to read this book.

His thoughts influenced historical personalities such as Pascal, Francis Bacon, and Montaigne, and continue to do the same as on today. Nassim Taleb went so far as to compose a full chapter on Seneca in his book Anti- fragile.

A few of his statement is worth to read again and again and take action for our personal progress.

On Ego control:

Seneca noted,
“We agree with those who call us best and wisest, although we know they often utter many falsehoods: we indulge ourselves so greatly that we want to be praised for a virtue which is the opposite of our behavior. A man hears himself called ‘most merciful’ while he is inflicting torture. So it follows that we don’t want to change because we believe we are already excellent.”

“The chief obstacle is that we are quick to be satisfied with ourselves. If we find someone to call us good men, cautious and principled, we acknowledge him. We are not content with a moderate eulogy but accept as our due whatever flattery has shamelessly heaped upon us. We agree with those who call us best and wisest, although we know they often utter many falsehoods: we indulge ourselves so greatly that we want to be praised for a virtue which is the opposite of our behavior.”
“Believe me it is better to understand the balance-sheet of one’s own life than of the corn trade.”

Seneca On Mentor-ship:
“Choose someone whose way of life as well as words, and whose very face as mirroring the character that lies behind it, have won your approval. Be always pointing him out to yourself either as your guardian or as your model. There is a need, in my view, for someone as a standard against which our characters can measure themselves. Without a ruler to do it against, you won’t make crooked straight.”

Self-worth is not a material success:
“For the wise man does not consider himself unworthy of any gifts from Fortune’s hands: he does not love wealth but he would rather have it; he does not admit into his heart but into his home; and what wealth is his he does not reject but keeps, wishing it to supply greater scope for him to practice his virtue.”

On Self control:

"Our place in the world–and everything we possess–is subject to change and, therefore, much of life is outside our own control.

He didn’t lose too much sleep worrying about areas that were not controllable, but instead focused on areas that he could influence and impact."

“You have power over your mind–not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

"Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body"

Hang on to your youthful enthusiasms — you’ll be able to use them better when you’re older.

Every night before going to sleep, we must ask ourselves: what weakness did I overcome today? What virtue did I acquire?

Finding a role model:

As Seneca wrote,
“So choose yourself a Cato–or, if Cato seems too severe for you, a Laelius, a man whose character is not quite so strict. Choose someone whose way of life as well as words, and whose very face as mirroring the character that lies behind it, have won your approval. Be always pointing him out to yourself either as your guardian or as your model. There is a need, in my view, for someone as a standard against which our characters can measure themselves. Without a ruler to do it against you won’t make crooked straight.”
Associate with people who are likely to improve you.

Use the time properly:
“You live as if you were destined to live forever, no thought of your frailty ever enters your head, of how much time has already gone by you take no heed. You squander time as if you drew from a full and abundant supply, though all the while that day which you bestow on some person or thing is perhaps your last.”

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested… So it is: we are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it… Life is long if you know how to use it.”

“But life is very short and anxious for those who forget the past, neglect the present, and fear the future.”

On Life, Seneca writes:
“Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future. The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy.”
“People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering time they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy.”

“The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.” — Seneca

“We are more often frightened than hurt, and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” — Seneca

Time on Self-reflection:

Seneca writes in Letters from a Stoic:
“Retire into yourself as much as possible. Associate with people who are likely to improve you. Welcome those whom you are capable of improving. The process is a mutual one. People learn as they teach.”

Seneca was the guiding hand of Roman Empire, let us also learn from him.

Individuals who are in coaching and leadership roles will get immense benefits by sharing these with others.

We need to keep reading this book occasionally it will help us professionally, this book has supported me on several occasion to made whatever I am today. Many thanks to Seneca.

Vaccine for Coaches!! have you received?

As a coach few of these skills we require to substantially polish to work out our work adequately

These skills have aided me to navigate many complex circumstances.

The particular challenges are it is not natural to polish all these skills in a few years.

It calls for a deliberate endeavor to exercise, to transform these skills for the betterment of our consignment.

Some of the observation which I have picked up for myself, I am sharing with all.

You might be natural to these skills and already polished these skills with your upbringing.

Whatever be the fact to develop into a stronger coach all these skills require to be refined

What do we work out?

Simply write down all these and constant visits how thoroughly you are polishing all these skills.
Self-confidence Skill:

Wherever I am today with respect to this skill, How can I enhance this?
  • Let us avoid comparing ourselves with Others.
  • Let us take care of our Health.
  • Let us engage in Self-Compassion
  • Let us deal with Self-Doubt.
  • Let us accomplish what we believe to be right.
  • Let us accept risks and continue the extra mile to gain better things.
  • Let us recognize our mistakes and learn from them.
  • Let us employ Positive affirmation.
  • Let us plan and measure our progress.
  • Let us Stand-up for our self
  • Let us Pursue Through the plan.
  • Let us Work More Of That Makes us Happy.
  • Let us surround ourselves with a supportive force.
  • Let us stay away from negativism and draw on the positivity.
  • Let us list our accomplishments and celebrate.
  • Let us Accomplish something creative frequently.
  • Let us confront our limiting beliefs.
  • Let us deal with our fear.
Positivity Skill:

How do I promote this skill?
  • Let us concentrate on the great features, however insignificant.
  • Let us start the day with a positive affirmation.
  • Let us identify humor in rough conditions.
  • Let us shift failures into lessons.
  • Let us reconstruct negative self-talk into constructive self-talk.
  • Let us concentrate on the present.
  • Let us identify positive partners, mentors, and co-workers.
  • Let us handle rejection.
  • Let us Compliment at least one individual every day.
  • Let us Be passionate.
  • Let us Use Books, Audio and Videos to Overload our Brain with Positivity.
  • Let us Work out gratitude.
Assertiveness Skill:

How do I promote this skill?
  • Let us value ourselves and our Rights.
  • Let us concentrate on ourself, instead of on our colleague.
  • Let us declare our demands and needs.
  • Let us confess that we can’t manage other people’s behavior.
  • Let us Be Open to Criticism and Compliments.
  • Let us learn to Say “No”
  • Let us understand and welcome the differences.
  • Let us stay calm.
  • Let us Value The Other Person.
  • Let us Have Courage.
  • Let Us Focus on the behavior rather than the individual.
  • Let us Pay attention to nonverbal communication.
  • Let us Be present.

I thoroughly understand what you’re expressing but I have to disagree.
This is not a priority for me. I will help out on the next occasion if I have time.

Adaptability Skill:
  • Let us leave behind our comfort zone.
  • Let us stretch ourself in modest ways.
  • Let us put ourself into Different Environments.
  • Let us Build up a curiosity and ask better questions.
  • Let us take a step back and re-evaluate priorities.
  • Let us Be amenable to make mistakes. Gain from them.
  • Let us Examine and detail out all the changes in our ecosystem.
  • Let us consider mentoring someone else. Let us learn by teaching others.
  • Let us become self-aware.
  • Let us Accept more challenges.
Goal-Oriented skill:

  • Let us accept Accountability.
  • Let us make decisions and choose actions.
  • Let us Ask the Right Questions.
  • Let us Focus for the stars, reach the moon.
  • Let us Schedule our Actions.
  • Let us Plan the day, months and years.
  • Let us Set specific and measurable responses to accomplish the goal.
  • Let us Anticipate possible challenges ahead.
  • Let us Update all associations involved.
  • Let us use effective communication techniques.
  • Let us analyze our Improvement.
  • Let us compose everything in a notebook.
  • Let us be 100% Committed.
Collaboration Skill:

  • Let us be Open-minded.
  • Let us be Long-term thinker.
  • Let us Communicate clearly.
  • Let us acknowledge all perspectives.
  • Let us communicate Precise roles, responsibilities, and goals.
  • Let us give Recognition for all contributors.
  • Let us share our vision and intentions to draw everybody on the same page.
  • Let us Address negativity with empathy.
  • Let us establish a sense of curiosity and passion for perspective.
  • Let us Embrace an experimental attitude.
  • Let us raise Skill of compromise.
  • Let us be Reliable.
  • Let us form a Team player attitude.
  • Let us construct Diversity.
  • Let us be candid for dialogue.
  • Let us be Trustworthy.
Influencing skill:

  • Let us Establish connections.
  • Let us listen before we seek to persuade.
  • Let us Build up expertise.
  • Let us give individuals what they demand.
  • Let us establish & keep a foundation of Trust.
  • Let us Be genuinely interested in other people.
  • Let us smile and show friendliness.
  • Let us remember people’s names.
  • Let us Be an exceptional listener and promote others to talk about themselves.
  • Let us talk in terms of the other person’s interests.
  • Let us make the other person feel important.
  • Let us “Mirror” The Person.
  • Let us do a lot of Research.

Interpersonal Skill:

  • Let us Pursue a positive outlook.
  • Let us Control our emotions.
  • Let us Acknowledge others’ expertise.
  • Let us Discover one good trait in every co-worker
  • Let us Practice active listening.
  • Let us Practice empathy.
  • Let us Commence accepting responsibilities.
  • Let us stop Complaining.
  • Let us Turn into a bit better appreciative.
  • Let us Turn into being observant of our body language.
  • Let us respect others’ thoughts and opinions.
  • Let us Manage conflict.

I am positive that as a coach, all of us are already benefiting from these skills largely else success would be greatly tough in our profession.