Friday, November 29, 2019

How keeping coaching Journal/log/notebook aided me to compose 2 books?

According to psychologist Barbara Markway, ‘there’s simply no better way to learn about your thought processes than to write them down.’

One of my mentors once recommended a couple of years back to keep a journal for all the teams I am coaching as a coach.

That was a golden word for me for my growth personally and professionally, which I cherish till today! when I look back, I am thankful to her.

I have started maintaining a word document and journal to arrest my observation.

Now a days, I observe more minute details and share with the team members weekly, what is my observation, and what is my recommendation.

After several months of coaching , some time, those word documents mature into a 500-page document!!

After coaching discussion, it is legitimate that we won’t remember everything we see, hear, and think about our members’ growth, so record it down in a devoted place.

Journal writing is the blueprint to success in coaching; that is what I personally work out.

It is the responsibility of coaches to ensure that they follow a methodical and comprehensive approach of record keeping. We can not recall everything afterward and we engaged in numerous teams coaching at the same moment.

Consistent journaling stimulates improvement, progress, and development during a coaching process. This is for both the coach and coachee.

To facilitate assessment, planning, and evaluation of progress journal/log/notebook serves to precisely recall and reflect.

The purpose of journaling is not the result but the process.

Thoughts, conclusion, and key observations of the last coaching session should be part of the journal/log/notebook.

Compose about the situations you have experienced in the coaching context promptly after the session.

Document milestones and occasions of achievement are also a better subject to capture.

Observations, ideas, aha-moments, queries for myself, what not, everything should be part of the journal.

Journaling gives room for ideas and explanations. Most of the ideas appear to me when I studied back the noted journal for a team. I pick up better and further thoughts for the experiment when I talk against previous observation.

The journal could be generated during the session to capture key messages, words, language, and themes, empowering the coach to remind themselves and draw the notes back into the conversation.

Keeping a journal during the process of coaching allows coaches to chronicle the team member’s way of growth, development, and achievement.

Sometimes coaches will maintain a formal written contract, which will be utilized and confirmed by the learner and coach, both will retain a copy.

Journaling helps coach and coachee to analyze everyone’s thoughts and feelings. Both can maintain the journal, but as a coach for me, it is a must.

The coaching log has to be visible and present for you to literally use it.

“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” Anne Frank

In some cases, I may aspire to record each coaching session in exceptional detail, and in some cases, I may choose to create only sketchy observations. 

Sometimes I also record specific observation experiments that add lessons learned captured. In some cases, the coach may provide the team members with a standardized training evaluation sheet to seize the improvement items for all.

After each coaching discussion or session, I as a coach ask
  1. What can I serve to aid this team member’s development between now and our next coaching session?
  2. What did I understand from this session that I didn’t notice going in?
  3. What did the individual I’m coaching learn? What key messages were reinforced in the session?

It’s an impressive open secret for all the members who are occupied in coaching. If we practice this accurately, it will transform all of us. Predominantly in the constructive manner.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Transformation Guidebooks....Manual for all Agilists

Self Development to------>>> Team Development, An adventure that will continue for every agilist’s career.

I have been traversing this expedition and still continuing …..

The 2 guidebooks which I have composed, The Scrum Master Guidebook and The Agilist’s Guidebook has, a distinct purpose. They focus on unique demands. But every agilist’s can gain benefit from these 2 books.

The Scrum Master Guidebook starts with self-development.

This book concentrate on the most important role every delivery organization requires to strengthen with utmost seriousness. Because this role carries tremendous impact in the Delivery and execution process. The Pillar of any agile organization is this Scrum Master role. Accept it or not, look at the current Pillar maturity model and success rate of the delivery.

This book propose for all the Scrum Master to pass through 7C chakra Model.

7C chakra model talks about how I can as a scrum master strengthen all these 7C areas so that I can perform better.

The challenges scrum masters faces can be addressed when we strengthen with this 7C Chakra model.

There is definitely no ambiguity when all these 7C s are strengthened by you as a scrum master, you will be able to deal with the situation better.

This workbook will highlight the below chapters or 7C chakras —
  1. Chapter I How to develop awesome Communication skill?
  2. Chapter II How to develop Creativity?
  3. Chapter III How to develop Companionable skill?
  4. Chapter IV How to develop a Competent team?
  5. Chapter V How to develop Change Management skill?
  6. Chapter VI How to develop Charismatic leadership skill?
  7. Chapter VII How to develop Catalyst skill?

On the other way, The Agilist’s Guidebook is all about Organizational Agile Transformation.

The challenges agilists will experience to transform the organization has been explained

The Panch Bhoota, 5 forces that dominate us, has to be taken care.

We treat organizational as a Living Being, no more machine, every living being is governed by these 5 forces.

Five elements in the Pancha Bhoota Model are the enabler which will benefit the organization to gain agility.

The Agilist's Guidebook will highlight the below chapters ( 5 Forces- Pancha Bhoota Model)
  1. Chapter I, How to develop ourselves as a better Coach by focusing on a few of the essential areas.
  2. Chapter II, Coaching on Leadership development
  3. Chapter III, Coaching focus on the High-performance team, how a coach can help?
  4. Chapter IV, Coaching focuses on the right mindset and how to change this?
  5. Chapter V, Coaching focus on Organizational Transformation

When we have both these books and we take actions around these 2 models ( 7C for self-development, 5 forces for Organization development) an individual will be better armed with the transformation journey.

We are gearing ourselves for the digital challenges thrust upon us.

We have to actively visualize and practice both these concepts to self-development and Organization development. 

We will have many challenges. These books are like, Army training manuals and it is the army personnel after the training has to exercise this knowledge on the battlefield and bring various heroic stories back home!

Manual is the same but individual do many heroic exercises which no training manual can capture.

You as an individual need to set up a development plan for yourself after reading these workbooks.

I am positive, we will have many stories from the ground when we started applying all these concepts.
“Companies that change may survive, but companies that transform thrive. Change brings incremental or small-scale adaptations, while transformation brings great improvements that ripple through the future of an organization.”– Nick Candito

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Scrum Master Guidebook Paperback copies

Today I have received The Scrum Master Guidebook Paperback copies for myself. I must state Publisher did a marvelous work!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Delivery of The Scrum Master Guidebook for one month

The Scrum Master Guidebook is on Amazon Prime, Amazon Prime members can get free delivery of this book. This is only available for one month given by the publisher.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How I have composed The Scrum Master Guidebook?

The scrum master Guidebook has 8 chapters, all these chapters helped me to play my role better.

I have been performing the role of scrum master; I had a couple of questions bothering me.Few challenges which I have across and which I would prefer to highlight in these seven chapters --

  • How do we become an awesome scrum master?
  • How to understand people in a better way?
  • How do we transform the command-and-control style to servant leadership style?
  • How to break silos and promote collaboration?
  • How to increase team engagement and the motivation of the Scrum team members
  • Aspects of the best Agile team and how to develop more such teams?
  • Facilitation and presentation challenges and how to enhance it?
  • How to coach tough, haughty attitude and high ego team members?
  • How to engage team members in Scrum events?
  • How does the Scrum Master develop Competent Teams?
This guidebook will highlight the below chapters -- 

  • Chapter I how to develop awesome communication skills?
  • Chapter II how to Develop Creativity?
  • Chapter III how to develop Companionable skill?
  • Chapter IV how to develop a Competent team?
  • Chapter V how to develop Change Management skills? 
  • Chapter VI How to develop Charismatic leadership skills?
  • Chapter VII How to develop Catalyst’s skill?
I have worked with hundreds of scrum masters and meticulously examine what is functioning and what is not.

and what we should improve as a scrum master to play this role better.

I have been working out all these to mature this role for myself.

This Scrum Master guidebook has recorded all the challenges a scrum master will encounter when embarking on an agile transformation journey, specifically for a large-scale agile transformation. 

This guidebook is based on my experience while exploring the Scrum Master role and the coaching assignments for agile transformation work. I recognized that all the procedures will prepare the Scrum Master for a stronger performance. At least the steps have been recommended and which will guide what can be done better. It does not aim to present a solution, but it identifies all these factors which I have come across and which has helped me to drive through the turmoil.

What will happen when we overload a motor? when the voltage is low? It cannot take the load and the coil will burn up. It is the same case when the Scrum Master is not ready, and we assign a complex project to him. He/she will burn up. Let us create a robust mechanism to handle this situation. Build strong Scrum mastery capability.

It will help all the Scrum Masters to operate in today’s complex domain.This book is coming soon for others to get benefit.....

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Scrum Masters are the backbone of any Agile organization

For an organization to survive, business depends on Delivery, the Delivery vehicle is Scrum, The scrum master is the coach for the scrum team, so scrum master is the key role in a Delivery organization.

If we produce products or solutions which a customer is ready to pay, we are in the business, else we are out of the work.

Scrum Masters ensure production. 

Scrum Master does not have any authority on team members, he /she has to influence the team members to get the delivery done consistently. 

The expectation from the scrum masters is certainly significant, function without authority, he/she does magic!

The organization is recognizing the importance of Scrum Master role and giving due attention to the scrum master hiring process.

As more and more the organization is coming out from the traditional project management way of working to scrum way of functioning, an organization demands the more mature Scrum Masters.

How can we ensure we have a scrum master who is competent enough to run the show smoothly?

We require to identify practical challenges a scrum master will come across in complex product execution.

We require to realize the challenges scrum masters gets and work around the solutions in our context.

If we learn various challenges we will come across, if we know the use cases which can aid us to think differently, it would be an excellent guide for the scrum masters to become mature Scrum Master.

I have conducted hundreds of scrum master coaching in numerous organization and discover a certain model which can aid the scrum masters to develop into stronger to play this role.

I have taken several rounds of interviews with those scrum masters to identify what has been working with them and what not.

All captured in this book, Please have a look once it is available in the market….

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Scrum Master Guidebook is coming soon....

The Scrum Master Guidebook: Arriving soon in a few days, impatiently waiting for the days when my new creation will be brought in to the world......For my companion Scrum Masters to get to know numerous scrum master stories...Please continue looking for the launch…

Applying Coaching tips from Viktor Frankl’s book?

“Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl, The composer was an inhabitant of four different concentration camps throughout WWII, including Auschwitz, and went through some of the most dreadful experiences. Struggling to survive, he recorded some empowering philosophies, which were subsequently compiled into this book.

This book has given me few wonderful thoughts.

What are the few points we can use in our coaching discussion?

We always retain the ability to choose our Attitude: In the context where the team and team members are performing, whatever may be the background, it is up to us how do we take it. Sometimes, we have excellent work, sometimes we get rough treatment, occasionally our condition is not so satisfactory, etc, it is up to us, how to choose the day. I have seen many team members have many complains, about the people, process, system, etc. We required to support the team members by explaining this concept.

Frankl - “We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts, comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.“

There will be Suffering – It’s how we React to Suffering that Counts: As a team member, we have many challenges, no doubt about it, every project has substantial or small challenges. We require to identify meaning from our work. We require to encourage and support each other for the bigger cause and purpose. Bad leader, Bad team members, Bad ambient, Traffic issue, so many issues we also bring into the work. We require to coach our team members to handle various suffering.

Frankl - “Even though conditions such as lack of sleep, insufficient food, and various mental stresses may suggest that the inmates were bound to react in certain ways, in the final analysis, it becomes clear that the sort of person the prisoner became was the result of an inner decision and not the result of camp influences alone. Fundamentally then, any man can, under such circumstances, decide what shall become of him – mentally and spiritually.”

The Power of Purpose: Every team and team members have their own big purpose. We require to figure out what we work out and why we work? By determining what impact they are going to create to the whole of mankind.

Frankl “The prisoner who had lost faith in the future – his future – was doomed. With his loss of belief in the future, he also lost his spiritual hold; he let himself decline and become subject to mental and physical decay.”

The True Test of Our Character is Revealed in How we Act: It is how to choose the condition and action upon it will make or break us. Every day is a moment to become better as an individual, as a leader at the office or at home. Our Scrum Daily stand up event, we can demonstrate, Sprint demo event, etc, we can demonstrate as a leader.

Frankl: “We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life and instead think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answers to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.”

Individuals can adapt and get adopted to completely any condition. 
Charles Darwin said: “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.”

We required to persevere and gain from the current situation. 

Individuals can resist the influence of even the most toxic environments — our actions are your own: It is up to us to establish our script. We require to find a way and meaning out of all the action

Laughing and having a sense of humor will change the way people look at their life. Optimism is the best way to look into life. Always looking into such a way where we are asking, what best is happening and what can we learn from it. Bringing a sense of humor to create ambient and fun and nice work with.

I have chosen many lessons and incorporated them into my coaching diary so that I can coach my team members. When I need self coaching I read this book again and again.

While talking to team members, we can share some of these comments and inspire them to achieve a better job.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Are you an excellent Parent? to develop into a role model Leader?

Look at the mirror, you choose to be a role model leader, prefer to establish many followers?

How are you managing in your personal life?

Are the same person that you are at home at office?

Are you carrying walk the talk? Not different at home and someone else’s office?

Do your kids inspire you to become like you? if you are Hero, they would be like to be heroes, if you are a demon, will they choose also become a demon?
“Our children are watching how we live far more that they are hearing what we say. They are learning how to live by our choices, not by our words.” – L.R. Knost

A study conducted by Pew found that 72% of parents wanted their parents to view them as a good parent.

According to research published in Pediatric Institute Publications, babies and toddlers learn by observing adults, even when those adults aren’t intentionally trying to teach them anything.

Infants and toddlers are the world’s best “copy cats.” Young adolescents pick up from their parents, nurses and even from viewing television.

You are your youngster’s very first Professor!

According to research conducted at Temple University and the University of Washington, and published in PLOS One, babies observe and learn to imitate the bodily movements of their parents as they perform certain actions. Information garnered from brain scans used during the research shows that a baby sees the adult using her hand or foot, for example, which produces a response in the sensorimotor cortex of the baby’s brain that helps him learn to copy the behavior.

Parents largely influence their children’s behavior.

Adolescents are like sponges--they model everything a parent does and assimilate what they see into their own lives.

A volume of investigations recommend that parents who are committed, nurturing, and lively with their infants have adolescents with higher IQs, as well as better linguistic and cognitive capacities

As Psychological Science notes, how a child deals with failure and hardship is an effective predictor of his or her growth and intelligence. 

Antisocial children pick up their behavior from their parents’ examples, according to research done by the University of Chicago published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology

The approach a parent disciplines greatly influences their children’s behavior, as explained on

Think back to when you were a youngster.
Young Children come to see themselves through the eyes of their parents. The way you speak to her is the way she speaks to herself.” – Rebecca Eanes and Laura ling (Positive Parenting in Action)

Did you like it when your parents were supervising? Or did you choose to be trusted? Now think about how it goes through, as an adult, to be supervised and not to be trusted.

Good parents are constantly thinking about the future of their children and how to support them become fruitful in life. They are constantly thinking about how to bring food on the table, how to give good education, good clothes for their youngsters, thinking always to ensure good health, and their children become better and continue well in life than they ever did. That’s the heart of every good parent. 

As excellent parents, excellent leaders are constantly thinking about the future of the individuals.

Good leaders speculate about the future of every individual team member and every individual family working with him.
Psychologist Robert House outlined in his leadership Path-Goal Theory that if you want your staff to achieve their goals, you need to help, support and motivate them.

Just as a perfect parent helps create a path for their child to succeed, the same is true of an outstanding leader in the business world.

As the leader of your family, you must first maintain yourself accountable that you are concentrated on the appropriate features.

One of the key elements in leadership according to Warren Bennis is knowing yourself.

In his book, On Becoming a Leader Bennis states;
“Everything we did or saw, everyone we ever encountered, is in our heads. But all that psychic baggage can be turned into comprehensible and useful experiences by reflecting on it.”

For the sake of your children, you have to become an outstanding leader. Being a good parent is much like being a good leader.

So that you become follower and role model for your children at home and at office.
“I believe that the best way to inspire a quality, or even a habit, in our kids is to cultivate it in ourselves. This means that, parenting is a constant journey of learning and growth, of looking outward, toward my children, to see the areas in which I need to work at improving myself.” – Hannah Guari Ma

Friday, November 8, 2019

Why one more book on the Scrum Master role?

Tesla is a scrum master, was struggling in his role.

The scrum team was building next-gen digital products to detect Viruses from the Human Body.

The team was comprised of many parties including the platform development team.

Tesla was not able to take it anymore as the pressure was monumental to drive the program successfully.

The organization where he is working is also in a situation if they are not commencing the product into the market on time they have to close down this unit.

The Organization decided to shift Tesla from that department into other non critical projects.

Tesla resigned as he could not tolerate the humiliation.

Tesla was desperate to discover all the unknowns to perform this Scrum Master role better.

He has attended all the training and certifications but still struggling as a Scrum Master role.

He was seeking something which can generate wisdom.

He has started his expedition to explore the wisdom building path.

After long search.....

He meets with another Scrum Master named George who has got enlighten by something which he murmurs in Tesla’s ear.

After several months, when some of his friends asked Tesla, what happened and how that miracle has happened as Tesla was able to operate the scrum teams effectively...

Tesla looks more confident and fresh.

Tesla did not disclose the secret. He is happy now and looking for better opportunities and challenges.

The secret will be disclosed on the 1st week of December 2019!!

What is that? What has changed Tesla?

Keep looking for the information......

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Coaching Conversation Preparation: Have you completed homework?

When I was considering establishing my coaching conversation, this thought appeared in my mind.

What precisely will be the starting point for the discussion?

I do not wish to refer the checklist and template 

I was searching for some guidance to establish the thinking process

  • Can we start examining these components and compile the data points?
  • I would prefer to record, note down all these points so that I do not miss any specific moment.
  • I would like to maximize my support to the team member,
  • I will work out with many open-ended powerful questions which provoke thought in the individual mind to share more stories and rich conversation
  • I will consider this as a discovery process to go deep and identify more about the Individual whom I will be coaching

Below questions provoked me to prepare well:
  1. What are the current Challenges the Individual is passing through?
  2. What he/she is like to achieve?
  3. What are their diverse goals? Growth plan? 
  4. What he/she is going to do in the long run? 
  5. Does he/she agree to share everything? If yes, are we as a coach granted to challenges the individual to know more and deeper?
  6. Can Individual explain some stories related to the current situation? can he/she reflects and reveal more? 
  7. When I as a coach asking questions, my particular curiosity is to identify better so that I can help that individual to perform better and satisfy the required goal
  8. In the dialogue, does an individual realize what are the current issues? what are the alternatives individual has? 
  9. We as coach by understanding the context can we offer alternatives? what are the possibilities?
  10. Does the individual feel comfortable to describe those situations?
  11. How can we as a coach establish the trust with the individual, so that whatever they are sharing it will not harm them?
  12. Individual is in a comfort zone, how can he/she stretch themselves?
  13. The coach needs to list down what coach has understood after the discussion. Is there any dependency on others? 
  14. What is the willingness of the individual to change? How much he/she can stretch? if not, what are the constraints or barriers? what are the commitment may be small steps
  15. I as a coach share many stories where I have observed the suggestion is working which perhaps individual can experiment with
  16. The wording I as a coach use in the optimistic, positive and influencing.
  17. I look into the plan the individual is preparing, the SMART approach has been reflected? Check for any vagueness, the plan has to be clear

So far working with me with all these approaches, I have equipped myself better to deal with any Individual coaching to help them to become better and better.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Building Innovation Mindset

Innovation Story:

The Lion and the Hare

A Lion was becoming fed up of hunting. He is the King of the Jungle. Why he should do hard-work and hunt?

He ordered all the animals and give a direct, “Daily one of you should show up by yourself as my prey”. All the animals commenced to carry out this direct.

It was the Hare’s time. The Hare was profoundly depressed. As he was leading to the Lion’s cave, he came across an ancient well. He glanced into it. It was unusually deep and terrible. He formed a plan in his mind.

Need to mention that Hare was trained by the Fox on Creativity! This is the time to practice what has been learned.

The Lion was terribly annoyed that no animal had arrived that day. The Hare slowly came towards the Lion. The Lion roared “Why are you late?” The Hare apologetically responded, “On my way, another Lion hounded me. I got away with terrible difficulty in order to give my life to you, Your Majesty”.

The Lion was satisfied with the Hare. But the notion of another Lion in the jungle made him annoyed. The Lion roared “Do you know where he lives?” The Hare responded “Yes, Sir. Please come with me”.

The Hare took the Lion to the ancient well. He answered “Sir, that Lion lives in this well”. The Lion peeped into the well. He misjudged his reflection for another Lion. He roared and there was an echo. He thought that the other Lion was roaring too and jumped into the well. That was the end of the Lion. 
The Hare was creative and exercise his creativity and the best practices. 

You know what Fox was teaching to Hare? and Hare is the professor in one of the Management colleges where he is sharing below

Flexibility to reform: In today’s fast-paced world, we do not have much time to debate on - “should we reform or not?”. To stay relevant in business, we have to be quick and adaptive.
Grasp Creativity: Creativity is the only means through which we can overcome challenges thrust upon us by the circumstances.

Strong Leadership: Organizations need strong leaders who can think big, dream big and drive the actions to meet the challenges

Aggressive: Only the paranoid survives is the comment which we need to aggressively believe and we should sustain this attitude 

Time for Creativity: Most of the time, the organization needs to allow time for its employees to think other than their routine duty. There should be some time dedicated for fun work.

Discover the problem: People with an Innovation mindset spend a good amount of time in studying the problem. They do a lot of research in the customer discovery space where the problem is present. 

Passionate: People with an Innovative mindset are passionate about their work. They endeavor to figure out and solve the obstacles in order to establish a better life.

Collaborative: People with an Innovative mindset are collaborative and work with multi-skilled people. They know they cannot and should not solve all the problems, so they get along with others for creating a shared vision.

Measure satisfaction: People with an Innovative mindset measure the work at specific intervals, they gain from it and they get inspiration from it.

Hunger for learning: People with an Innovative mindset want to learn something fresh, experiment something unique; they do not want to do the same thing which they have done before. They keep exploring new things. 

Mindfulness: They do various tasks to calm their mind and focus their mind. They use their hobbies to deeply submerge their thoughts.

Resilience: They bounce back after facing problems and after several failures; they do not stop experimenting; they come back with various thoughts to improve their performance.

One of the animals of the class said we know all these! The hare said, yeah, I know, all of you are aware, but how many of us are practicing all these on a daily basis?

Coaching for Team Camaraderie

What is camaraderie? 

Mutual trust and friendship among individuals who spend an abundance of time together.

Imagine an office where we walk into a department each day where we either don’t really know anyone or don’t like the people you do know. How it would be? How easy it will be work in such an environment? Now, if you have to build a rocket at that office, how smooth that will be!

When individuals perceive valued, they work together more energetically.

Now you imagine your supervisors, crushes all the silos and encourage extensively information collaboration among each other and establish that all the team members are getting along with each other casually. How it will be?

Why people leave the organization?

Research from the Gallup organization reveals that one of the 12 factors that illuminate whether an employee is happy on their job is having a best friend at work. Relationships with coworkers retain employees. 

According to many sources, a bad boss is also the number one reason why employees quit their job. 

The overall culture of your company makes a distinction for employees. Employees appreciate a workplace in which communication is transparent, management is accessible, executives are approachable and respected, and direction is clear and understood. Overall culture keeps employees—or turns them away.
All those teams I was on that were successful were the ones that everyone had a love for each other and had fun. Things that seem minuscule - joking around, laughing, conversing, all those things that seem childish - that is what builds camaraderie. Karl-Anthony Towns

Challenges to building camaraderie?

  • Employees feel that their work is not meaningful to the company
  • Employees feel they are not contributing to the business’s mission and goals.
  • Poor teamwork is just one part of building unhappiness at work
  • Employees missing a deep sense of affiliation with their team members
  • Employees Missing Friendships at work, which lead to poor personal and professional support groups
  • Employees are not interested to know each other strength and weakness
  • Employees are uncomfortable, fearful, negative ambient
  • High conflict and no one resolves those conflicts 
  • Hero culture 
  • Works are at an individual level and not commons shared goal
  • Distributed team and minimal interaction among team members
  • The significant cultural barrier exists within the team
  • Manager fails to listen to the collective voice of the team

Gallup research has revealed that employees whose managers hold regular meetings with them are almost three times as likely to be engaged than employees with managers who ignore them.

Coaching for enhancing team camaraderie:

  • Look for all these occurrences, work with the supervisor to establish all these below points happen at team
  • Schedule an event where bonding can happen
  • Compelling individuals to engage in in compulsory team-building activities
  • allow chat informally with their co-workers.
  • Understand that chitchat during the day isn’t all bad
  • Build trust with numerous means and mechanism
  • Particular attention on team communication 
  • Diversity and inclusion is the key 
  • Respect individual opinion
  • No criticism at any cost, solely constructive feedback
  • Recognize team members regularly 
  • Celebrate success
  • Hire by the team members, Evaluate by all the team members so that they can embrace their new family members

When we do team coach all these factors helps us to build high performance teams. We courageously call out if we find missing such instances.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Coachability of a Team Member

Planning to have a coaching engagement with a team member.

How should I prepare myself as a coach?

Preparing my notes and planning to establish my discussion around these themes and note down my observation about that person.

If most of the answers are No , then I need to create different plan for deep coaching.

Would like to continue a series of such deep discussion session to figure out in which area I can help that individual.....I need to create further questions to dig deep into the personality.

In the end, I need to create a proposal and make an agreement with the individual to help each other.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Claim Leader vs Emergent Leader?

In the corporate world have you spotted both these styles of leadership?

How do we coach them?

Do you find some leader has below characteristics?
  • Helpless to welcome criticism,
  • Inefficiency to listen,
  • Are consistent,
  • Passionately pursues to enlarge their sphere of influence,
  • Lack of empathy,
  • Tenacious in their pursuit of victory

They are CLAIM LEADERS, are expected to be swiftly granted leadership by others in leaderless groups.

They have captured the empty leadership seat. And now belong to the leadership category! 

Claim leader tends to demonstrate arrogance, superiority, and conceit.

Claim Leaders reach to exceptional limits to defend their power, even at the cost of the group.

Emergent leaders are established that sensitivity, extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness predicted leadership emergence, with extraversion being the greatest predictor.

Emerging leaders are usually agents of change in their organizations.

Emerging leaders are collaborative, great teammates, and excellent communicators.

They belong to a group.

How do we spot an Emergent Leader?
  • They can deal with them extremely well
  • Completely controlled emotion
  • Plan exceedingly nicely about their career
  • Support others to realize other objectives
  • Demonstrate the needed personal drive to attain results
  • Committed 
  • Having a growth mindset
  • Good interpersonal communication

How to build up and coach Emergent Leadership?
  • Enable them to figure out and gain a stronger knowledge and connections in the industry
  • Enable them to gain exposure in a diverse team, distinct department, and various type of individuals 
  • Assign them to drive numerous significant organizational transformation initiatives
  • Collect feedback about them and share feedback periodically with them for advancement
  • Mentor them on numerous leadership traits
  • Grant them to coach others, coach them the coaching traits
  • Facilitate them to network with others
  • Aid them to acclimate to the Growth mindset
  • Support them to Measure self-progress and manifest

How AURANGZEB Become king? An anecdote to refer to …..

AURANGZEB (1618–1707), sixth and last of the Major Mughal emperors of India Born Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad.

Aurangzeb was notable for his lengthy war in the south (the Deccan) and for his religious orthodoxy.

Aurangzeb was never Shah Jahan’s favorite son.

The four sons of Shah Jahan all held governorships during their father’s tenure.

The emperor promoted the eldest, Dara Shukoh.

This had provoked bitterness among the younger three, who pursued at numerous times to strengthen alliances between themselves and against Dara. 

The compete for power was primarily between Dara Shikoh and Aurangzeb because, although all four sons had proved competence in their official roles, it was around these two that the supporting cast of officials and other significant individuals mostly circulated.

After his father, Shah Jahan, became ill, Aurangzeb seized and imprisoned him in Agra Fort in June 1658, capturing enormous treasures and ammunition in the process.

He was crowned emperor in Delhi the succeeding month and announced himself the title “Alamgir” (World Seizer).

He later defeated and killed his three brothers in a murderous civil war.

His achievement was confirmed by his skilled generalship, achieved while serving in his father’s army in Gujarat and in the south for over ten years.

He ruled Hindustan for 48 years. He expanded the Mughal Empire to its greatest extent, encompassing all but the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent.